Welcome to An Apple A Day Keeps Everyone Away

I'm not nearly as grumpy as I pretend to be.

I mostly post recipes, DIYs, and thrifty stuff.

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

10 Minute Creamy Cauliflower Soup

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Last night I tried a new recipe, a super healthy super quick cauliflower soup recipe from Super Healthy Kids. This soup is extremely easy to make, no matter how great or terrible you are in the kitchen, and it tastes amazing.

  • 4 1/2 cups cauliflower florets (1 large head cauliflower)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • 2 1/4 cups warm milk
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Croutons, bacon bits, and/or chives for garnish (optional)

Steam cauliflower, garlic and onion. Combine the steamed veggies with the rest of the ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve warm with garnish of your choice.

I used a bag of frozen cauliflower and steamed it in my Pampered Chef Micro Cooker. Since the recipe was so simple I actually ended up having a few blonde moments while making this since I thought I could memorize it (but as my sister can vouch, my memory sucks). So I steamed my cauliflower and then realized after it was finished that I was supposed to steam the onion and garlic, so I had to steam those separately. Then I forgot to add the milk to the blender and couldn't figure out why I was having such a tough time getting it to blend. Whoops. Even with my mistakes this recipe was super simple and tasted amazing. I used croutons and scallions for my garnishes.

Random rant: Have you ever noticed that the serving size for croutons is measured in tablespoons? Who in the hell is measuring their croutons with a tablespoon??

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Thrifty Dollar Shave Club Hack From Jamaican Mae Crazy

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Jamaican Mae Crazy has an awesome post up about a DIY (and cheaper!) Dollar Shave Club. Check it out here!
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Product Review: Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day

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I recently started using Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day cleaning products. I decided to give them a try because I was looking for something a little more pet friendly. I always cringe when I see my cat walking on a surface I just cleaned because there is no way those chemicals can be good for him. The below quote comes right from their website:
Our products were inspired by Mrs. Thelma A. Meyer, an Iowa homemaker and mother of nine. It all started when one of her daughters was walking down a cleaning aisle, eyeing all the products with their harsh, stinky chemicals. Right then and there, she had an idea: "Let's make cleaners that smell nice, like my mom's garden, but still work like the dickens on daily dirt and grime."
This made me laugh out loud and that alone convinced me to try the products. They have a variety of products for pretty much every cleaning task you can imagine. All of their products are both environmentally and pet friendly. They all smell completely amazing, though I will admit I was not brave enough to try the more oddball scents like radish or parsley.

The first product I tried was the Lemon Verbena Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner. I chose this scent because it was the closest to traditional cleaners, I wanted everything to smell lemony fresh. I've been using this to clean practically everything in my apartment. After I clean everything smells AMAZING but it's not at all overpowering and there's no chemical undertones like you get with most cleaners.

Great product, 5/5 Apples.

The second product I tried was the Lavender 68 Load Laundry Detergent. I've only done a few loads of laundry with it so far, but it makes all of my clothes smell divine, even after pulling them out of the dryer. I love how you only need to use a tiny bit of the product as well, only 1TBSP for an entire load. Everything has come out just as clean as it did using household name brands, though my clothes are never specially filthy anyway. I'm a big believer in pre-treating. The only downside to this product is actually the container. Pouring the detergent into the cap to measure makes a bit of a mess. 

Would be 5 Apples, but the bottle design is a pain. 4/5 Apples.

***I did not receive any incentives for writing this post. This is just a product I liked and wanted to share.

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